“Valar Dohaeris – All men must serve”I’m Tyrion of the house Lannister. I’m the dwarf of casterly rock. And I have a story to tell, that I didn't read in a book.This is the epic tale of an incredible journey. Jon Snow (Omair) and I are great friends. This journey was inevitable. I couldn’t possibly think of a better travel companion for this challenge. March from Winterfell (Besal), Piss off the edge of the wall (Noori Top), and go beyond. To Hardhome (Ratti Gali). Davos (Nazeer) was kind enough to accompany and guide. What a team! The wolf, the lion and the onion knight.The night lands (Dudipatsar national park) was tough. Already too cold for me. Snow is from a cold country. I’m warm blooded. The fear was another worry. Fear of the wildlings (Kohistani raiders). Snow isn’t friends with them yet. Davos stopped us from staying the night at the lake. Spending the night under someone else’s roof was another adventure. Thankfully, it wasn’t the red wedding.The wolf thinks I’m crazy, because I walk slow, I stargaze and love sitting by the fire Davos built us. And I love listening to Davos’s stories. Like the bear and the maiden fair.
Saral Pass - The night landsClimbing and catching up on my breath, saying hello to lake 2 of the expedition (Saral Lake), day 2 ended with sore feet and tired legs. As if it was the walk of punishment. Well, I survived at the Blackwater bay, this mission seemed rather easier. But only if I knew about the wars to come.Next day was the climb. Reaching the wall (Noori top) wasn’t much difficult. But I decided not to piss off the edge of it. The North remembers. And it was too damn high. The pass to hardhome (Ratti Gali Pass) looked so high that only a raven could reach it. It was higher than the fist of the first men. But hear me roar! I made it. So did the wolf and the onion knight. Unbowed, unbent and unbroken.
Noori Top - The WallManning beyond the pass rather came together easily. Except for the night. The rain fell like the rains of Castamere. And we only prayed all night that snowfall didn’t happen. In which case only Drogon could rescue us. The next morning, we made it to Hardhome (Ratti Gali). The first sight of it and I could think of one person only. My heart cried for him. Blood of my blood (Junaid), who's probably leading a Khalasar in heaven.
Ratti Gali Lake - HardhomeWe spent the night there and came down to base next day. Time for us to part ways with Davos (Nazeer). We said farewell and then his watch was ended. He went home and we moved to another world. He served us well. In their world, perhaps they still believe in it. Valar Dohaeris – all men must serve!
Besal to Ratti Gali ExpeditionSept 2018